New to Lviv, what to see?

Автор Wacir, 20.09.2018 16:54:26

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0 Користувачі і 1 Гість дивляться цю тему.


Hi Guys,
I'm from the UK and arriving in Lviv in a week or so.
I've been Urbexing around different parts of the UK for a few years, exploring old Cold War bunkers, WW2 Shelters, Mines, etc. and i'm keen to see what Ukraine has to offer.

I'd like to see and visit somewhere in your country which would really amaze me and hopefully tag along with a few of you on an adventure. Hence why i'm here.

Unfortunately, as you can probably tell... I don't speak Ukranian ;)

Thank you for your help.


Пацани переведіть будь ласка,не всі ж вчили англійську. Дякую.
Най го качка копне...


Перекладаю  ;)

Прівєт пацани,

Я з Великобританії і приїжджєю до Львова через тиждень.
Я пару років лазав по різних бункерах, бомбіках і шахтах в Сполученім Королівстві і дуже би-м хотів шось таке зовидіти в Україні.

Хтів-бим відвідати шось таке канкрєтне і круте, а як сі получит, то ще й взяти когось із вас з собов. От чого я сюда пишу.

Дуже встидно, але я поки не вивчив української мови.
Наперед файно дякую за допомогу.
Най жиє Гуцулія!


Hi Wacir,

When do you plan to be in Lviv? I think we can at least grab some beer and talk about places you might be interested to visit. Or maybe somebody from Explorer will have time to go with you.
Do you already have some places in Ukraine on your mind? Do you plan to visit some another cities besides Lviv?
Най жиє Гуцулія!


Цитата: Bottlehunter від 20.09.2018 21:58:42
Hi Wacir,

When do you plan to be in Lviv? I think we can at least grab some beer and talk about places you might be interested to visit. Or maybe somebody from Explorer will have time to go with you.
Do you already have some places in Ukraine on your mind? Do you plan to visit some another cities besides Lviv?

Hi Bottlehunter,

Thank you for the translation!  ;)
I will be in Lviv by Friday next week at the latest.

I'd love to meet up for a beer and have a chat, i'm here to learn about Ukraine and people like yourself and hear your stories. At the moment, Lviv is the only place on my map, possibly Kiev too eventually. Again, if you have any recommendations, i'd love to hear them!

Just as a note; I get the impression that Ukraine is very different to some of the places I have travelled before. I'd love to experience some buildings/tunnels/bunkers from the Cold War era and anything else which people think may be a surprise to someone like myself. Anything underground is a plus!


Круто я б підійшов на здибанку)



Цитата: Wacir від 20.09.2018 22:17:56
Hi Bottlehunter,

I'd love to meet up for a beer and have a chat, i'm here to learn about Ukraine and people like yourself and hear your stories. At the moment, Lviv is the only place on my map, possibly Kiev too eventually. Again, if you have any recommendations, i'd love to hear them!

Ok then, just write here once you know the exact date you are in the city.
Най жиє Гуцулія!


We talked in telegram  8)

So we are waiting for the dates, when u arrive to Lviv. 'Cause all of us have work etc. A lot of military objects are aroud the city, so maybe we can create a big trip by cars to visit something and catch u with us)


I'm +1 if will be in Lviv during these dates
Дігери всіх країн єднайтеся!


Hey Guys,
Flights are booked and I will be in Lviv this Friday (28th).
I'll be around for a month or so hopefully, so I should have plenty of time to do stuff in the area!

I'll leave dates to yourselves, as I will be fairly relaxed in terms of availability.

Cheers! :)


Good news!

Let's plan some beer on Saturday or Sunday evening?
Най жиє Гуцулія!


Цитата: Bottlehunter від 25.09.2018 10:39:27
Good news!

Let's plan some beer on Saturday or Sunday evening?

Sunday works!
Whatsapp: +61402887128


Sorry, I will be in Germany on Sunday
Дігери всіх країн єднайтеся!



Завтра всі зустпічаємся 17:30 в Пивничці. Тобто пабі Берлін Лемберг, що на Чайковського
Най жиє Гуцулія!



Привіт! Як все пройшло?
Дігери всіх країн єднайтеся!


Цитата: Golem від 06.10.2018 11:37:38
Привіт! Як все пройшло?
Знайомство норм. Хлопака багато слухав, дізнався про Україну, Львівщину і Львів. На згадку має фірмові наліпку і візитку.

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